Tell me a story
Conflicts lie at the heart of a captivating, dramatic story. Deeper the conflict, stronger the audience's identification with the characters. As dramatists say, the set-up needs to be deeply involving. Stories are the best way of arousing emotions. The human brain welcomes a well-structured story. Since there is always a preconception based on the set-up, dramaturgy has a great scope in influencing a receptive audience. The process involves change. The audience shift from being uninvolved to involved. From ignorance to knowledge. But change scares many people. So, what's the solution? A set-up that establishes(quickly) itself as serious and credible will create interest among the audience who will decide to stay until the end. And this makes them receptive to change. All stories operate on two levels - a ction level(what happens) and narrative level(how it happens). What the audience sees is a person suited up, an office setting and a couple of p...